SpeakUpETH is a project that was launched in the spring semester of 2021 at ETH Zurich by VSETH with the support of AVETH. The project aims to highlight cases of discrimination and misconduct at ETH by displaying testimonies and experiences of students, staff and alumni in order to raise awareness of these issues. We also offer our support to students who want to share their stories by guiding them to the relevant services and providing a point of contact.

SHARe your story

Have you experienced anything related to sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexual harassment, or any other form of ETH-related discrimination, misconduct, or violence? Would you like to share your story, anonymously or not?


Help & Support

We are committed to providing assistance and support. You can submit a testimonial or reach out to us directly via email for personalized help. Additionally, helpful resources can be found on the VSETH help page for further guidance.